As a responsible cleaning business we care about and understand the responsibility we have to our employees, clients, supply chain partners, the environment and community.
I Love Cleaning have adopted a unique and proactive approach in addressing and delivering these requirements though our Corporate Social Responsibility programme, which ensures the aspirations of all our stakeholders are met.
We also recognise the positive impact our work can have on social and economic regeneration, energising local businesses and the wider community as a whole. Our services adhere to an eight-point Code of Considerate Practice - Considerate, Environment, Cleanliness, Good Neighbour, Respectful, Safe, Responsible and Accountable.
Our Vision and Values are at the heart of I Love Cleanings success. Our rolling three-year vision sets out our business objectives, looking at key improvements within the areas of Customers and Markets, Business Re-organisation and People, and how we will achieve these.

Our Company Values set the standard for how we work alongside each other, our clients and supply chain partners.
Honesty & Integrity
Customer Focus
Safety First
Teamwork and Leadership
The safety and health of our employees and others impacted by our activities is a fundamental priority for I Love Cleaning. Maintaining a first-class safety culture is key to our business. We take a structured, risk-based approach to health and safety across our business.
Our business has an increasingly close interface with the general public. We are aware of our responsibilities to operate so as to ensure their safety. Awareness of public interfaces is high and public risk remains a key focus across the company, especially in public buildings and schools.
Continued effort is put into improving risk control - public risks are identified in live risk registers, communicated throughout the project stages, highlighted in risk assessments and monitored through audits, regular safety inspections and safety tours.
I Love Cleaning seek to utilise the full talents of all of its people and to create a safe, healthy, challenging, rewarding participative and fair working environment for all its employees.
To provide an open, challenging and participative environment
To enable all employees to utilise their talents and skills to the full, through appropriate encouragement, training and development
To communicate a full understanding of the objectives and performance of the Company and the opportunities and challenges facing it
To provide pay and other benefits which reflect good local practices and reward individual and collective performance
To ensure that all applicants and employees receive equal treatment regardless of age, origin, gender, disability, sexual orientation, marital status, religion or belief.
Employees of I Love Cleaning are expected to understand and abide by the company’s core values and its principle commitments; to work hard, be reliable, conscientious and approachable; to be proud of their company and motivated to contribute to and share in its success. In return, they are supported by the company in their efforts to do their jobs to the best of their ability.
Business Conduct Guidelines have been produced, which explain, in detail, required behaviour. Our employees are made aware of the Business Conduct Guidelines and receive a personal copy.
We are defined not only by our technical capabilities and the markets we operate in, but also the way we do things. In everything that we do, we will:
Comply with the law and be sensitive to local customs and traditions.
Conduct all our business and decision-making within a clear ethical framework
Provide safe and healthy working conditions for all employees and members of the public
Conduct all aspects of our business to the highest level of excellence and professionalism
Seek continuous improvement in the way in which we operate and do business
Provide an open, challenging, rewarding and participative environment for all who work in the company.
Utilise, through selection, training and development, the full talents, skills and abilities of all employees
Provide a working environment, development opportunities and incentives to promote team effort and commitment to the performance of the business